Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh Shit

There seems to always be new things to disagree about as parents (especially relatively new parents). I mean, most people agree about whether or not they want kids before they get married, or in some cases which faith they will choose to raise their kids in. But we never talked about spanking or circumcision or anything like that until the stick turned blue. Then we had our "oh shit" moment, when we realized that we had no idea what we were doing. And whatever ideas we have probably don't jive with the other person's. Like I said, "oh shit."

So, my personal momivation today is to choose your battles.

Your three year old wants to dip carrots in ketchup?

You're stuck in traffic listening to Little Einstein on repeat?

Your husband doesn't back you up during an epic meltdown, giving in to his little princess?
Oh, hell no. That is where I draw the line. That's one battle, I'm all over.

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