Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Some days you just need some momivation

Anyone who has kids will tell you that there are those days. 

You know the ones I mean, where the seemingly endless meltdowns make it feel like 5:00 pm just can't come soon enough. Or, maybe got pooped on one too many times. Have you showered this week? Are you wearing mismatched socks with spit up (or poop or milk or crusty Cheerios) petrified on your shirt? Are your kids shoes on the wrong feet?

These are the days that you need momivation. That's right, it's a made-up word that I just said and made it exist. It's more than just regular motivation, it's momivation. What I will bring to this page is based on my mood. Scary, I know. But, it could be a cheesy quote or something that one of my kids said, or song lyrics, or movie quotes, or I could just rant about the fight I had over breakfast with my husband. The choice is mine (sorry, but it's my blog, so you'll have to indulge me here!). 

Dealer's choice, so to speak. 

I'll try to post everyday, but I'm not promising anything. Hell, momivated moms know that if they can get to anything more than once a week it's a victory. 

So, see you tomorrow! 

Now go clean that spit up off your shirt.

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